Tuesday, 20 July 2010

OH no, got some catching up to do

So I know I've been laaazy and not done this but now I SHALL cos I think it's pretty cool.
Day 02 Something you love about yourself.

Okay... ummm... well.
Right, I'd have to say my ability to block stuff out, and cope with a lot of bad experiences.
If anything is going horribly in my life (and trust me, there's been plenty), I am really good at coping somehow. As long as I have something to distract me (mates, art etc.) I don't even think about all the horrible things. I can carry on as normal and not even think about it; and I love that. It helps me a lot since I've been through a hell of a lot of shit. But I guess that means I love my friends since they help distract me. And tbh I'm very easily distracted...
Ooh, bubblewrap.. :)

Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.

Okay, this one isn't too hard. I need to forgive myself if I do really bad in my GCSE's. Cos I know I've tried hard, and I have been through so much this past year, that I need to forgive myself if I don't do as well as I hoped. It's been so difficult and I think once you come out the other side, it's easy to forget how hard it was. So I need to keep in mind, that it isn't my fault, and that I did well all things considered. But hey, fingers crossed I don't have to forgive myself.

Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.

I need to forgive my friends for getting sick of me sometimes. I went through a stage ( a little like this blog post) when I just talked about all the shit I was going through. They were amazing nearly every second of the way, but I need to forgive them if they got pissed off occasionally, cos I totally understand why. Plus everyone has their problems, and it was wrong of me to always talk to them about it cos it's not fair to offload problems on people :(

Ahh, that was like a therapy seshh.
And a little too dark for my liking.
So here's something happy....

Cheers m'dears.



  1. they're always too dark for my likings too ¬_¬
    but lolcats ALWAYS make things better. no matter the situation. ALWAYS. and CRAP keep forgetting too hehe :3

    can i put your face as a button on teh panel on the side of my blog? so if any photographers or anything see it they'll be like shit.. i need her. WRITE BACK SOON DEAR xxx

  2. hahah CATS yay hahah I love them I always sneekily put an animal pic at the end of a post mwuahahah

    lmao! I know right! Thought I'd slip that one in ;)
    and YES that would be awesommee thanks beautifulll xxxx

  3. hahaha! that photo is too great!
    i'll follow you if you follow me? ;D

  4. Christen - haha thanks and yeah sure :)

    Louisa - thank youu ! :)


  5. omg that lion pic had me cracking up!!

    lovely blog, truly!

    cheers, Jesa :)

  6. Haha it made me laugh too
    Thank you Jesa!
    :D x
