I must I must sort out a routine so that I don't give you these truths all in one go... I think it may defy the point. I'm sorry :(

Gonna be all soppy, predictable and say my momma. My mum, brother and I are rock solid (init bruv) and they make my life worth living. We keep each other strong and look after each other, even if I do fall out with my brother a lot haha :)
*SOCIAL SUICIDE MOMENT* - my mum is pretty much my best friend. I can talk to her about everything (at the risk of being mocked) and she makes me laugh all the time. I don't know what I'd do without her!
Now... tell me the truth - did that sound like a Disney speech?
Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
My Dad... n'uff said.
Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
Hm that's difficult :( I think people have drifted but for the right reasons I guess. My old crowd at school used to be really close, but then I drifted from them because I already had a lot of drama at home and it was too tiring to have it at school too, so I sort of shifted over to a group that I knew were simple and there wouldn't be any complicated emotions involved. I think some of my old group were really offended and started to hate me for it cos they thought I was a traitor or something haha but I think it happened for the right reasons and now we're probably better friends for it. I hope they don't hate me now anyway :)
Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
Difficult AGAIN.
Thanks a bunch whoever made these truths.
I don't think I know anyone/hang out with anyone who I particularly dislike. I choose to surround myself with people that I actually like, so I'm glad I know all of them.
That's it for today :)
Thanks for reading!
Loovveess <3
My mother's my best friend too - totally not social suicide. In fact, I feel bad for any girl whose mother ISN'T her best friend (or at least one of her closest friends)!
ReplyDeleteI actually do agree, I think it's really sad when girls don't get along with their mums - I'm soo close with mine! Can't imagine ever going a day without talking to her! x