I'm very lucky to have LOVELY friends that compliment me on a few things!
I'd say the main ones would be my hair, eye
s/eyelashes and teeth.
It's always nice to get compliments!
So thank you to anyone who has given me one before :D
People say they want my hair but I'm sure if they have it for more than a couple of days it would start to piss them off! Mine always tickles my face and back whilst I'm trying to sleep. Not cool. Erin likes sleep.
I have been BLESSED with long eyelashes, and I literally would die without mascara. Like.. DIE.

I promise you I look just like this.
I have also been blessed with straight teeth! YAY FOR STRAIGHT TEETH! And they're healthy! Which is always good! I used to have terrible teeth when I was younger because all I drunk was coca cola. I was literally addicted - I got the shakes if I didn't have it! Ridiculous.
I've not had it since and now I'm very thankful they're healthy!
So anyway this post has made me sound a tosser! I'm sorry.