It's nothing big or special, but I think it's something we all do (especially school kids) these days.
I'm talking about when you do something insignificant... but you do it right. That is the coolest feeling - and for that tiny little second- you feel like God.
For example - when I woke up this morning I was horrified to find I'd left my phone downstairs D: So I couldn't check the time (I have a strict rule never to get up before 11am if I'm not doing anything for the day). Then came a stroke of genius (happens on very rare occasions for me)... I looked over to my skylight, and was able to predict what time it was by looking at the shado

And that's what I'm talking about - those genius moments. Like in Maths when the teacher says you will be doing something difficult, but you get it straight away. Or something even more simple for me is when I pour a glass of coke and it is the perfect level, and I don't get foam all over the counter.
Seems that I'm never impressed with myself if I do something important well - like get a good grade in an exam or get an award. I'm far more impresed if I can pour the perfect coke.
EBIM! i like the maths reference (i miss you). AND I LIKE THOSE SHOES BELOW. i ripped out a picture of them from a magazine YONKS ago (intending to use them in art SOMEHOW, but then i just stroked my face with it wishing it was socially acceptable for me to wear fierce shoes). AND I LIKE YOUR PICTURES, YOU LOOK BEAUT (i miss that hair... i like it wavy AND straight *innuendo*) <3