Of family?... no.
Of friends?... no.
Of anything of any importance whatsoever?... no.
I am protective of silly things. Bands. Singers. Actors. Actresses. Films. Songs. Videos. Photos.
For me, there is nothing worse than falling in love with something amazing... something that nobody knows about... and then a couple months down the line it's like BAM every fucker loves 'em too.
It gets to the point where I don't even want to express my undying love for such things, in case people google it and fall in love also.
Some may say, why would you want to not share something amazing?
I spit on those people and answer "Because I FOUND THEM FIRST".
There once was a time when I loved Justin Bieber. That's righ
t... I was a belieber.
Now, I loathe that child (in a 'I hate you, but if you showed any interest in me I would fall to my knees crying, begging for forgiveness and kissing your feet' kind of way)- Not only for his shiny, perfectly placed, swishy hair and devilishly handsome face, but for the fact he's so goddamn famous. It just doesn't feel speshh anymore.

Look at how shiny it is.
I would tell you the band that brought on this rant, but I wont- cos they're mine.
Agh, I'm such a bitch.